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WhatUpdate - Our Family Over The Last Year
A Year of Change: Navigating New Jobs, Health Challenges, and Uncharted Territories
July 26, 2024

Wow, it's been a while since I had a moment to sit down and write again. I stopped by UBLegends stream last night and figured I would post an update. It will not be a huge update, but I wanted to let you all see proof of life (unlike some people... haha). Much has changed in the last year for our family, our country, and for Rumble/Locals. These last few months have felt like a tornado at work. I see the blue sky above now, but hopefully, that’s not just the eye of the storm...

In June of last year, I accepted a job in North Georgia as a video editor, web designer, and social media manager. I took the job not because it was a huge pay increase(it wasn’t) but because it seemed like it would be enjoyable, and moving to a part of Georgia that we have wanted to live in for years. We finally made the move in November, but it was not without its ups and downs.

Our house sold three separate times, but due to the buyers' financing, it fell through at the last minute twice. The house we were purchasing was delayed by a few months, so it ended up working out as God intended. Over the summer, as our house was going through multiple sales, Becca (@WhatUpWife) started experiencing various health issues that, over a year later, we are starting to get answers for. Unfortunately, surgery is looking like the only solution. Please pray for her health.

Our son has had his ups and downs with the move as well. He and Becca are doing great with homeschool, and we were blessed with great neighbors with a boy younger than him. His connection to his old friends is probably the most difficult part, but we will be going to a new Church soon and that should help him connect to a new friend group. He and I have been playing Minecraft together and that has been a lot of fun seeing him learn more than me about the game.

As for my job that was supposed to be enjoyable, it turns out everywhere I go, my bosses always realize that I am capable of much more than I was hired for. I am a problem solver who can find a way to streamline solutions. If I am shown an issue, whether it is mine to solve or not, I will make my idea known. Most of you have seen this through early Rumble, where I had to come up with solutions like showing chat on screen. But back to my current job: I am now managing the production schedule, customer service, shipping, and more. It is always good to make yourself valuable at a company, but dang, it is stressful. I see the light at the end of the tunnel for the changes happening at work, but I hope the light is not another train coming at me.

I am going to write another article about the craziness we are seeing in our country right now. I always stayed somewhat politically silent when I was creating content because I didn’t feel I needed to add anything to the conversation at the time. We cannot be silent anymore. As dark as it may seem we can always lean on the power of Christ to get us through.

Thank you and God Bless.

- Ian

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New Assets for Supporters

I have added a couple new assets for supporters.

  • Rumble Pirate Flag Loop
  • Rumble Pirate Flag Emote
  • Rumble Logo Glitch

If you are a supporter you can find these in the current Google Drive link pinned to the top of the feed here. If you are not a supporter, hop on that $2 price now because it is going up to $5 in June!

New Video Intro And Help For Supporters

I created a new video intro and I am in the process of redesigning my stream.

For my supporters($2), I can take any After Effects templates from Envato (https://elements.envato.com/video-templates/compatible-with-after-effects) and customize them to your branding.

If your a supporter and need something designed or customized please let me know, I want to help you the best I can.

January 01, 2023
What Up 2023!

Happy New Year! It is a brand new year with lots of excitement ahead. Thank you all for helping grow my Rumble channel and joining this community. It was a great year for Rumble Gamers. I believe that 2023 will only get better on Rumble/Locals.

Join me tonight for my first live stream of 2023 at 8pm ET exclusively on Rumble!


Saw the "One Chip Challenge" in the news. Brought back some memories.


Locals Free Member Status

This morning I switched a lot of people to free member status in this community, so you can comment and post without paying. Some have been paying and I am very grateful, but I have switched you to a free member as well.

If you are not a free member, but click like to this post I will make you a free member.

I want more people to connect and voice their opinion outside of the X/Twitter drama. Thanks for being a part of growing this community and Rumble in general. Let's see where it goes in the future.

December 22, 2023
Featured Video For Rumble Channels

Over the last few months Rumble has made tremendous progress on channel pages!

  • Featured Video
  • Playlist!
  • Grid Design
  • Separating Uploads From Live
  • About Section
  • And lots of little changes
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February 14, 2024
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Rumble Round 2 - FIGHT!
A list of all 111 Partners

Rumble's Small Creator Partnership Program kicks off its second round today. This time, the creators get fancy graphics for their channels and a spot on the homepage that rotates every 15 minutes(https://rumble.com/small-creator-partners). Nice touches, sure, but how much more can be added to the homepage?

While Round 2 creators bask in their 30 day homepage glory, the rest of the us are pondering the sustainability of such selective generosity. Why not invest in a system that rewards all creators based on clear, attainable goals?

I've laid out a vision for a tiered progression system that could offer a more long-term solution, supporting creators based on their actual contributions to the platform. This approach would give every creator a fair shot at recognition and reward, not just the handpicked few.

Check out my proposal here: https://whatupian.locals.com/post/5241650/rethinking-rumbles-approach-to-creator-partnership.

So, as Round 2 rolls out with its exclusive graphics package and homepage features, let's not forget the bigger picture. It's time for Rumble to rethink its approach and consider a future where all creators can thrive.

Here is a list of all 111(yes, more than 100 for some reason) creators that got into the program:


JeffMAC5720 Followers
AP4Liberty4560 Followers
Hulkanator2630 Followers
GameOnShow2580 Followers
SilverFoxGamer2440 Followers
Moroney1840 Followers
thenunnreport1640 Followers
LumpyPotatoX21500 Followers
SammiieGiirl1430 Followers
TherapyRange1320 Followers
RawIsLaw1270 Followers
ItsMossy1070 Followers
BrancoPlays1050 Followers
GamerGril1020 Followers
FatStevenJFG1010 Followers
RighteousStrikeMinistry900 Followers
EXPBLESS868 Followers
Kobiax851 Followers
DelnorinGames799 Followers
ImPettit711 Followers
SwitzerlandPlayIT667 Followers
ttvglamourx667 Followers
MartynLucasInvestor663 Followers
Pepkilla652 Followers
Coldbiscuits607 Followers
RamRT606 Followers
Koolfrogg600 Followers
MissesMaam593 Followers
Shmah590 Followers
ChiefTrumpster576 Followers
YefuneKenizi576 Followers
lateshow566 Followers
a12cat34dog566 Followers
RaikenNight550 Followers
TheCommonNerd543 Followers
R3KONT3K537 Followers
GamersErr0r518 Followers
FusedAegisTV507 Followers
AtheistEntertainment504 Followers
PudgeTV487 Followers
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AlphaPyxis460 Followers
LlamaNoises419 Followers
CLUJ415 Followers
TheOriginalNextLevelGaming408 Followers
OhHiMark1776408 Followers
BarbarianMowz383 Followers
AndrewStuff378 Followers
DJCheezusLivestreams370 Followers
DeezyyG338 Followers
xBattledR0id324 Followers
GamingOnLakeTime323 Followers
struglbus322 Followers
VapinGamers299 Followers
GuardianRUBY281 Followers
aircondatvgaming281 Followers
SoundwaveSpectre278 Followers
8BitEric276 Followers
MakingArt276 Followers
G1Games272 Followers
CrypticHybrid271 Followers
FataIInvesting265 Followers
OinkerSpace257 Followers
TheGreatUnderground254 Followers
PartTimeHeroes237 Followers
BeardedGamr231 Followers
RECONRAT228 Followers
PixelKittenz227 Followers
KickinWithSteve224 Followers
GooseandaGander222 Followers
PlanetShanChanGaming207 Followers
WeAreTheShow207 Followers
ViewsWithHughes207 Followers
GamingChad206 Followers
GhillieSuitGaming205 Followers
tinyplayerss199 Followers
Taylordood197 Followers
JdaDelete197 Followers
TheBleacherKings193 Followers
Fragniac193 Followers
DPadChadGaming191 Followers
Euphionia183 Followers
rabbplays176 Followers
EzekielMaxwellVT175 Followers
PowerKegGreg175 Followers
IamNibz173 Followers
tacetmort3m173 Followers
hemphero173 Followers
callmeSeags172 Followers
CODZombieGod115169 Followers
HitTheBooks168 Followers
Luth3rPlays167 Followers
TodaywithJulius165 Followers
BubbaSZN164 Followers
NeoX5161 Followers
PrincessNayami154 Followers
CrazyGoffo152 Followers
420CrewSports138 Followers
CHiLiXDD130 Followers
BlackBox130 Followers
Itzzolo122 Followers
FlixTalk114 Followers
TheAndresSegoviaShow84 Followers
Biscotti75 Followers
LexAstro70 Followers
JTPixel68 Followers
ThatDamnSportsNetwork59 Followers
coffeeandnuance21 Followers
DadModeGamingStudios18 Followers
VonRye18 Followers
GEEZUSSHOW18 Followers
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February 08, 2024
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Rethinking Rumble's Approach to Creator Partnership

As Rumble announces the latest batch of creators accepted into the second round of its Small Creator Partnership Program, the community is a mixture of excitement and disappointment. This selective program, while beneficial for the chosen few, raises questions about its fairness and sustainability. With only 100 slots for an ever-growing pool of talent, many dedicated creators are left wondering about their place on the platform.

The Drawbacks of Selectivity in Partnership Programs

Selective programs inherently create a divide between those who are accepted and those who are not, which can be discouraging for many creators. This method of selection, while intended to foster high-quality content, may inadvertently sideline talented individuals who simply haven't been noticed. It begs the question: Is there a better way to encourage and support content creation on Rumble?

My Suggestion for a Tiered Growth and Rewards Program

Rumble has mentioned that it is revamping the whole backend dashboard. This update presents an ideal moment for Rumble to redefine how it supports and acknowledges its creators, my suggestion is through the non-revolutionary idea of a tiered recognition system. Rumble already distinguishes itself from platforms like Twitch and YouTube by offering immediate access to a full suite of monetization tools right from the start.

Tiered Recognition Levels

The cornerstone of the proposed tiered recognition system for Rumble lies in its transparent, metric-based progression criteria. By ensuring that the metrics determining tier advancement are visible and understandable to users, creators are equipped with clear goals to strive towards. This visibility not only paves the path to greater recognition and rewards but also empowers creators by making their objectives tangible and attainable. It is not revolutionary. It doesn't need to be.

My proposed tiered system would begin with:

  • Contender Tier: Available to all Rumble users from the outset, pretty much what is currently in place. It includes access to live streaming, Rumble Rants (donations), a standard ad revenue split (60/40%), and paid subscribers. This approach ensures every creator has the tools they need for growth, engagement, and monetization, setting a solid groundwork for their content creation journey.

Moving up, the system would include:

  • Champion Tier: For creators who have made a significant impact through consistent content and growing engagement, live and non-live content. This tier is a recognition of their established presence and influence on Rumble. 

  • Legend Tier: The apex of Rumble’s creator community, reserved for those who have reached the pinnacle of success and influence on the platform. Being part of this tier is a testament to a creator's exceptional achievement and contribution.

Rewards and Benefits

  • Ad Revenue Share: Creators will receive revenue share model that increases with each tier, incentivizing content creation and audience engagement.

  • Platform Visibility: Higher-tier creators receive enhanced visibility through featured content spots and priority placement, broadening their reach across the Rumble audience.

  • Exclusive Opportunities: Access to exclusive events, Rumble on-site Studio, and direct support from Rumble, varying by tier to provide resources that are tailored to each level of creator achievement.

The Key is to Make a Clear Path to Growth!

This brings us back to the current juncture with the Rumble Partnership Round 2. Where do we go from here? Is there are round 3... round 4... round 5? I hope not. Ideally, the experiences from the first two rounds will inform Rumble's long-term approach to creator partnerships. Continuously selecting small creators isn't a viable long-term strategy.

While the Small Creator Partnership Program - Round 2 may provide valuable opportunities for some, a tier-based system as outlined would offer a scalable way to support and reward creators. By focusing on clear, achievable metrics, Rumble can ensure that every creator has the opportunity to succeed based on their effort and talent, fostering a more vibrant and dynamic community where every creator has the chance to grow.



Note: To some I may not be a "streamer" because I am not currently streaming on Rumble, but my goal has never been to stream a million times a week. My goal is to stay up-to-date on what Rumble is doing and provide my commentary. That maybe a stream every now and then, but it will also be articles like this or simple tweets that start converstions. So you can listen or don't, I'll be alright either way. But I do appreciate those that do. Thank you and let me know what you think in the comments.

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January 26, 2024
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Is My Wait for the Next Nintendo Switch Nearly Over?
Reflecting on the Decision to Hold Off on the Switch and Anticipating the Next Big Leap in Handheld Gaming

For the past couple of years, I've been eyeing the Nintendo Switch, even missing out on some great titles like the new Mario Wonder and Zelda. Yet, I've held off on making the purchase. Now, with the rumors going around of the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2, it seems my patience might be rewarded. Reports from Bloomberg and insights from analyst Hiroshi Hayase at Omdia point towards an exciting release in 2024.

The Nintendo Switch 2 is rumored to feature an 8-inch screen, a significant increase from the current model(6.2-inch). This larger screen could enhance the gaming experience, making the wait for the new model a potentially wise decision. Sharp Corp’s involvement in providing LCD panels for the console is an interesting choice, especially considering the popularity of the OLED model. This decision suggests that Nintendo is prioritizing the size and cost of an LCD screen over the quality of an OLED screen.


In terms of market positioning, the choice of an 8-inch screen places the Nintendo Switch 2 in a competitive spot. While the ROG Ally has adopted a 7-inch display and Legion Go has explored an 8.8-inch screen, Nintendo's selection offers a balance between size and portability.

Legion Go Vs ROG Ally

The internal hardware of the Nintendo Switch 2 remains largely under wraps. Speculation about NVIDIA supplying advanced chips with features like DLSS and ray-tracing adds to the anticipation but remains unconfirmed.

For those like me, who have been contemplating the current Nintendo Switch, the prospect of the Switch 2 presents a compelling reason to wait. The potential improvements in screen size and technology promise a more immersive gaming experience, which could be worth the wait.

As more details about the Nintendo Switch 2 emerge, I'll be keeping a close eye on developments. This next iteration of Nintendo's console could very well be the upgrade that some of us have been waiting for.

What would you like to see from a "Next Gen" Nintendo?

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